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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Following a press conference from the City of Boston, restaurants owners are speaking out against city officials' decision to charge $7,500 for North End establishments to seat guests outdoors.
WBZ's Karyn Regal was in the North End, and heard from owners following Tuesday's press conference.
"We want to be treated fairly, we want to be treated the same. We know a lot of our residents, we're friends with a lot of our residents, we care about our residents." said Owner of Terramia Ristorante Carla Gomes. Gomes was surrounded by another two dozen North End restaurant owners, as some said that the taxes they pay should be able to cover the issues to be addressed with the outdoor dining seasonal charge. Owners addressed specific city officials like Boston Mayor Michelle Wu on Tuesday.
"Michelle Wu: with her hacks flooding against our neighborhood, with people from our neighborhood, who are the biggest cowards who walk in our neighborhood, are going to be addressed as such," said Monica's Trattoria Owner Frank Mendoza.
Gomes went on to say that Boston Mayor Michelle Wu's order hurts restaurant service staff too, as they hire more employees for the coming summer months.
Read More: Boston Offers Payment Flexibility On North End Outdoor Dining Charge
In the press conference on Tuesday, city officials said that North End restaurants can pay the $7,500 outdoor dining seasonal charge in $1,500 monthly installments, and that there will be a method for select businesses to apply for "hardship waivers," or reduced rates.
Mayor Wu said that waivers will be issued based on three main factors including the restaurant's location, whether or not they have a liquor license, and the size of the patio.
WBZ's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports.
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