Northeastern Locks Up Restrooms Over Security Concerns

Photo: James Rojas

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Some restrooms at Northeastern University are now locked up because of “security concerns.”

Mugar Hall’s main restrooms can now only be accessed by key fobs belonging to Northeastern students.

"Based on security concerns raised by faculty, students and staff, the university implemented enhanced access requirements inside Mugar Hall, including Husky ID reader locks for the main bathrooms,” Northeastern said in a statement to WBZ. 

The university’s student newspaper, The Huntington News, reports that Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs David Madigan said the security concerns at the life sciences building were “in relation to prostitution.” 

“I’m kinda surprised, honestly. It’s a college campus. I didn’t really think that would be going on here,” said Matthew, a first year engineering student. 

Matthew’s shock is echoed by other students. 

“It’s kind of bizarre to hear that it's happening on campus, I use that building all the time and I never would’ve thought something like that’s there,” said Alisha, a graduate student at the university. 

Alisha said she uses the building a lot, but because she doesn’t work there, she can’t use the bathroom. 

“Unless you’re working in a lab there you just don’t have access,” Alisha said. “It’s not a perfect solution but I guess it's better than what was happening.” 

Northeastern’s Police Department has not responded to a request for comment.

WBZ’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.

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