Photo: Chris Fama (WBZ)
NORWOOD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The town of Norwood is painting utility boxes to commemorate its 150th anniversary.
Each of the 12 painted boxes carries the theme of "Norwood pride." The artists involved are primarily local students in an effort to foster creativity, community spirit, and civic engagement.
"It's a literal visual representation of leaving your mark in your community," said Angela Whitford of the Norwood Cultural Council. "Random strangers will come up and start talking to them about the project, and that itself is getting people involved."
The students were nominated by teachers for their creativity and selected by a panel of town officials.
"I am painting highlights of classic Norwood architecture," said Audrey, a Norwood high school senior whose utility box is at the traffic rotary next to Norwood High School.
"Having the kids is so much better. There are just some things kids think of that adults can't," said Whitford.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports.
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