Photo: Chris Fama / WBZ NewsRadio
NORWOOD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A restaurant in Norwood is looking to bounce back after a school bus pummeled through its front doors Saturday night.
The Chateau off the Boston-Providence Turnpike, told WBZ's Chris Fama they are re-opening just days after the impact. According to the Norwood Police Department, the crash happened right around the eatery's closing time, and that the bus was unoccupied apart from the driver who was hospitalized for non-life-threatening injuries.
Officials say the bus went into the restaurant after it was involved in a motor vehicle accident on Route 1.
Photo: Courtesy of the Norwood Police Department
Under the neon sign outside the Chateau in Norwood read "open at 4 p.m," customers joked about the circumstances with a sense of relief that the restaurant is open.
"They were trying to make it a drive-thru," said one customer.
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But the damage could have been a lot worse, as Chateau staff are crediting an iron support beam for shouldering the brunt of the impact, enabling business to resume for the week.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports.
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