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PEABODY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) – The city of Peabody is actively trying to keep its citizens informed after a third earthquake shook the area on Wednesday.
According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the tremor registered as a 1.3 magnitude earthquake, marking the third earthquake to hit Peabody over the past few weeks.
The USGS reported the two other earthquakes had epicenters in or around the city. One occurred on July 25, registering a 1.4 magnitude, and the other occurred on August 4, registering a 1.2 magnitude.
Not long before the third quake shook the area, the city announced that it would be hosting a community forum to educate residents on why Peabody could be experiencing so many earthquakes and tremors.
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The announcement went out through an automated call from Peabody Mayor Ted Bettencourt. In the call, Bettencourt said he and other city officials have had several meetings with representatives from the USGS, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Environmental Protection.
The forum will be held on Wednesday, August 25 at 6:00 pm at Peabody City Hall. A representative from the USGS will also present on earthquakes and related natural phenomena.
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