Pauli's North End Restaurant Is Serving Up A Special Lobster Roll

Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) Pauli’s on Salem Street in Boston’s North End is taking proposals to a whole new level.  

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The restaurant, which is known for selling lobster rolls at a discounted rate, is offering the classic New England dish with the side of an engagement ring. 

Pauli’s owner Paul Barker came up with the idea.  

“There’s going to be an engagement ring inside our biggest lobster roll, which is the U.S.S. Lobsitution,” said Pauli’s General Manager Felix Martignetti.  

Martignetti said that while the ring will be hidden inside the lobster roll, he told WBZ NewsRadio that it would be easy to find.  

“[The ring] is right in the open, we don’t want anybody biting on the wrong carat,” Martignetti quipped.  

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The lobster roll and ring combo is not cheap: the whole experience comes with a $10,000 price tag.  

WBZ NewsRadio spoke with a local customer to hear what she thought and if it was every girl’s dream to be proposed to with a lobster roll. 

“I don’t know! It’s unique,” she laughed.  

Martignetti said that the idea represents marriage the Boston way.  

WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports. 

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