Peabody High School Softball Star Ready To Take Next Steps

Photo: Carl Stevens/WBZ NewsRadio

PEABODY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Peabody High School senior Abby Bettencourt is about to graduate with a whole lot of memories.

As a star player on the softball team, Bettencourt rewrote the history books. She broke several school records, threw multiple no-hitters, and pitched a perfect game.

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The 18-year-old's favorite accomplishment happened last year when she and her two sisters Bo and Isabel all hit home runs in the same game against Bishop Fenwick High School.

Now Bettencourt is ready to step off the Peabody diamond and onto the campus at Brown University, her mother's alma mater.

"I’m excited, it’s like a new chapter starting," Bettencourt told WBZ NewsRadio. "It’s gonna be more of a challenge, same thing with softball. It’s taking the level I’m at now and it’s really pushing me to improve as a pitcher, as a hitter, as a fielder, everything like that. And then in the classroom, it’s gonna be a challenge, it’s an Ivy League school at Brown. It’s gonna be a rigorous course load and everything like that, so I’m really excited for the challenge."

When asked if she had any advice for incoming high school freshmen, Bettencourt answered, "Always say yes. If you’re asked to join a club, asked to join a team, say yes. It’s the best way to interact, to build connections with your fellow classmates, people you wouldn’t meet in the classroom, necessarily. And Peabody has a very diverse community and it’s important to meet all different people from different aspects, different backgrounds, and really enhance the culture of Peabody High School."

Any prospective student athletes at Peabody High School will have big shoes to fill once Bettencourt graduates, and not just on the softball field; she is also a star player on the team's basketball and volleyball teams.

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