Police Investigate The Vandalism of Flags on Cape Cod

BARNSTABLE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Fourteen First Responder Flags have been vandalized on the Route 149 Overpass in West Barnstable.

Barnstable police were called to the scene after Massachusetts State Representatives Steven Xiarhos—who maintains the First Responders Appreciation flags— found them destroyed by what appeared to be an unknown liquid that melted the fabric.

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The flags were first hung up in 2018 in honor of State Rep. Xiarhos’ brother, Nicholas, who was killed while serving in the Marine Corps in Afghanistan in 2009.

There are no known suspects at this time, however, a local citizen has offered a $2,500 reward for any information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the offender(s).

WBZ NewsRadio's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports:

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(Photo: Barnstable Police Department)

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