A man-of-war found at Scarborough North State Beach in Narragansett on Monday.Photo: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
NARRAGANSETT, R.I. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Rhode Island state officials are warning beachgoers to keep their eyes open for Portuguese man o' wars on local beaches. The jellyfish-like creatures pack a very powerful and painful sting, which can remain active even weeks after they wash ashore.
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management said man o' wars had been spotted at Scarborough, Roger Wheeler and East Matunuck State Beaches so far this week.
The warning follows another from town officials in Edgartown on Martha's Vineyard, who had reports of the creatures washing ashore on south-facing beaches over the July 4th holiday.
Rhode Island official said the man o' wars are "likely coming up on the Gulf Stream from southern waters." They're easily identifiable, with a striking bright blue, purple or pink float that bobs on top of the water like a balloon.
The man-o-war's sting can produce big red welts, which can be fatal in very rare cases.
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