Photo: Courtesy of Edward Boches.
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A local documentary photographer and creative director is aiming to snapshot and immortalize moments in Allston.
Edward Boches is a Boston and Cape Cod street photographer who has been recently exhibiting "Postcards From Allston," which is on display at Notch Brewing at The Speedway, the Cambridge Art Association says. The exhibit opened in April and remains available to the public eye until May 30. According to the artist's website, Boches' previous work notably appeared in the New York Times, Boston Globe, and Zeke Magazine, among others.
Boches told WBZ's Karyn Regal that his inspiration came from the street level.
"There were a few things that struck me: one was the street art and the vibrancy of the creative community that lived there, but also the development," Boches said.
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According to the gallery's website, Allston is going through a tremendous time of development, something Boches says comes with inevitable gentrification. The artist says the project aims to document the change that's happening in the neighborhood while sparking conversation and community involvement.
Copies of the photos in the exhibit are also being sold as physical postcards, selling in packages of 10 for $15 or the entire collection of 25 postcards for $25.
"It's the classic thing: everybody loves to be surrounded by art, everybody loves the murals and street art- no one wants to pay for it. Then it's that community that makes part of the city cool and hip, attracts the little restaurants, the bars, but then a condo complex is put up- driving out the people who made the community," Boches said.
WBZ's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports.
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