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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — On a sweltering Saturday afternoon, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker took to the court in Roxbury to promote the summer launch of a basketball program that aims to improve youth athletic and academic skills.
No Books No Ball is recognized by the Boston City Council as a program that has used academics, basketball, and community engagement to motivate urban youth for more than 25 years. The governor took part in the kickoff, in the waning days of his second term and told WBZ's Mike Macklin that No Books No Ball is a pivotal piece to bringing back regular play.
"We all know how much play and socialization and opportunities to be with other kids and adults in organized ways, we lost over the course of the past few years. We did do this last summer, but it was nowhere near as big as it is this year. I really hope we do more of this going forward because, frankly, the kids are going to need it," Baker said.
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According to their mission statement, NBNB encourages student athletes to seek higher education and earn scholarships through developed skills.
WBZ's Mike Macklin reports.
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