Quincy Police Cracking Down On 'Youth Hot Spots' During Feb. Break

Photo: Quincy Police Department Facebook

QUINCY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Despite the cold, the Quincy Police Department (QPD) is trying to crack down on “youth hot spots.”

According to QPD, the main focus will be on Forbes Hill Playground and the surrounding neighborhood. Police said children have been using the location as a play for underage drinking, setting fires and vandalism.

“The cops in Quincy today they’re aware of what these kids are doing because they grew up in Quincy,” said one resident.

QPD is encouraging parents to talk to their children about the “possible consequences that could result from a criminal charge.” Residents are also asked to report any large gatherings outdoors, as QPD looks to improve "quality-of-life issues" at the parks.

“Quincy Police do a great job and I think parents need to take a little responsibility and check on their kids. Make sure your kids are doing the right thing,” said another resident.

“The kids are out all night. They walk by here all the time,” said another resident. “I think it’s par for the course but you kind of have to keep a tight leash on them.”

WBZ NewsRadio’s Chris Fama (CFamaWBZ) reports.

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