Photo: Kim Tunnicliffe / WBZ NewsRadio
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — They say one person's trash is another's treasure, and that couldn't be truer with one woman's effort in Cambridge to refurbish unwanted clothing and limit the amount of disposed material sent to landfills.
Ninawa Zero-Waste turns thrown out fabric into upcycled fashionwear and tote bags, and aims to cut down disposals for the sake of the environment. WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe spoke to Aelen Unan, the woman behind Ninawa Zero-Waste, who says she was once homeless before starting her business.
"I was living in a homeless shelter, in small rooms that were ten square feet. Someone donated an unwanted sheet and tablecloth— I used those to make more than 400 masks and donated them to a woman's shelter and a senior home," Unan said.
From there, Unan says she set up shop in Cambridge's Popportunity Starlight Square, a location she will lose as her spot will be given to another seller by the end of July.
"I'm hoping I can have a permanent store where I can make more items and grow my business," Unan said.
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Unan says she's actively looking for a new space for Ninawa Zero-Waste.
WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports.
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