Randal the MGM security dog at his retirement party last Wednesday. Photo: Courtesy Amanda Antaya
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A recently-retired MGM Springfield security dog is now joyfully reunited with his old K-9 handler, after retiring last week.
Randal, the 5-year-old yellow Lab, was deeply attached to his former handler John Slepchuk, and hasn't been himself over the last year since Slepchuk retired to Florida.
"It just became too much to watch, and John was missing him like crazy," said K-9 Officer Amanda Antaya. So after checking with officials, Antaya and Slepchuk pushed to retire Randal, who had a retirement party on Friday. That meant a road trip for Randal and Antaya to meet Slepchuk halfway in Virginia Beach, leading to some incredible video.
"He just missed John. He was a really good dog," she said. Randal is set to live out his days with Slepchuk in Florida.
WBZ's Drew Moholland (@" target="_blank">DrewWBZ) has more:
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