Photo: Getty Images
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Boston Red Sox are starting a donation drive to help the victims of Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.
The team is collecting donations of money and supplies to help local communities in both countries without power and running water. The donation drive will happen before all of the Sox's remaining home games.
Along with cash donations, the Red Sox are looking to collect things like battery-powered fans, first aid kits, diapers, hygiene products, lanterns, over-the-counter medications, and portable water filters. Fans interested in donating can drop off items at all of Fenway's gates from the time they open until the second inning.
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Any fans interested in donating during non-games hours can drop off supplies at Gate D on Jersey Street. People can also make donations to the Red Sox Foundation.
This isn't the first time the Red Sox have led a fundraising effort to help Puerto Rico recover from a storm. In 2018, the Red Sox sent nearly 10 tons of supplies to Puerto Rico to help in the recovery from Hurricane Maria. The team also helped the island buy new generators, that the team said proved essential during the aftermath of the most recent storm.
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