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LEOMINSTER, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) – A new report suggests that thousands of close encounters may have occurred in Massachusetts.
When Susan McNeill Spuhler’s mom was pregnant with her, she saw what she thought was a UFO over her house in Leominster. Now as the Director of the Greater New England UFO Conference, Spuhler says many people in the Commonwealth would acknowledge the existence of extra-terrestrial beings.
“We have to be pretty arrogant to think that we are the only form of life in the universe.”
This comes as the National UFO Reporting Center has records of 1,884 sightings in Massachusetts. This puts the Bay State as the 17th highest state in the country for UFO sightings, according to Stacker.
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Stacker recalled one Massachusetts encounter where a woman by the name of Betty Andreasson claimed to be abducted by aliens while home with her family in South Ashburnham in January 1967.
“Aboard the craft, Andreasson said she was examined and then an alien disclosed to her the meaning of life and immediately erased her memory—all of which she recalled while under hypnosis,” the site wrote. “Her experiences were documented in Raymond Fowler's book ‘The Andreasson Affair.’”
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Stacker also mentioned another occurrence two years later where nine-year-old Thom Reed claimed to have been abducted by aliens while driving over the Old Covered Bridge in Sheffield. In 2015, the Great Barrington Historical Society officially recognized the account as a historic event.
“There certainly has to be something to some claims that people make,” Spuhler said. She added that whoever makes their way through her hometown should keep an eye on the sky.
“Leominster has been a hot bed over the years of UFO sightings, Big Foot sightings [and] a lot of haunted homes.”
WBZ’s Matt Shearer (@MattWBZ) has more:
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