Residents Celebrate Potential Market Basket In Medford

Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — As recession fears mount, Americans are searching for ways to get more bang for their buck.

From groceries to gas, every cent is starting to count while residents in the Bay State tabulate their cost of living.

The cost-cutting evaluations happening around the kitchen table could explain the pure joy shoppers espoused when they learned a Market Basket might be coming to their neighborhood.

“Life changing.”

“A dream come true.”

“A win-win for Medford!”

The emotions were palpable on social media after Mayor Breanna Lungo Kohen posted a picture of the Market Basket store supervisor in her office with the caption, “We’ve heard the desire for a Market Basket in Medford! Today, I was excited to welcome T.A. Demoulas and the Market Basket team to City Hall.”

Shoppers celebrated the store's possible opening, even recommending site suggestions on Reddit. Mystic Avenue and Station Landing made the list of preferred locations, but some people, like Dan, who already drive 30 minutes to get their Market Basket fix, are willing to sacrifice the long drive for the savings.

“If you want a deal, Market Basket is the place to shop.”  

WBZ's Madison Rogers (@madisonwbz) reports.

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