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NEW SHOREHAM, R.I. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Has the terror of earth's ancient oceans returned? A recent research trip off the coast of Block Island yielded some briefly surprising results for a team of scientists from the Atlantic Shark Institute.
The Institute said its team was doing sonar scans when they spotted the impossible: an image that appeared to be the shape of an ancient mega-shark — the Megalodon (Otodus megalodon). The image was about 50 yards long. The school of fish orbited the research boat for about 15 minutes before swimming off.
Then image then started to shift and the researchers quickly realized was it was just a school of Atlantic Mackerel. The megalodon went extinct more than 3 million years ago, and as they put it, "will likely stay that way." Ironically, the Megalodon is an ancient species of mackerel shark, which eat mackerel, among other fish.
WBZ's Laurie Kirby (@LaurieWBZ) reports:
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