Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Roche Brothers Supermarkets are the latest stores to be hit by scammers who install credit card skimmers at checkout terminals to steal customer's financial information.
Roche Bros. said in a statement that their security teams found skimmers at checkout terminals at eight of their stores on April 24, including Wellesley, Watertown, Bridgewater, Westwood, Natick, Downtown Crossing, Sudbury and Needham.
Two additional skimmers were discovered the next morning at their West Roxbury store.
While the company said the credit card skimmers were found within minutes of their placement, one of its customers Paul was shocked to hear of the discovery. "I can't believe it," he said.
He also said the option of using cash at the stores is limited. "All of the machines are where you check out. There's no ATM in there."
Roche Bros. said they have not received any reports that customer data was compromised.
WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.
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