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SALEM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) – Salem is offering an incentive program to employees who work at businesses that have to comply with the city’s COVID-19 guidelines.
Under this program, employees at businesses who are under Salem’s proof of vaccine mandate, which went into effect on January 15, will receive a $500 bonus.
Employees must have been on the business’s payroll between January 15, 2022 and February 4, 2022 and have worked for the business for at least six consecutive weeks in order to qualify. The city says this program is to help support Salem’s businesses by creating an incentive for employee hiring and retention.
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Eligible businesses include entertainment venues, event halls, fitness centers, restaurants and other indoor attractions. Businesses that do not qualify include salons, retail stores and grocery stores.
The money for this program is coming from Salem’s funds from the American Rescue Plan Act. Businesses have until Monday, February 7 to apply.
WBZ's Charlie Bergergon (@CharlieBergeron) has details:
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