Photo: Shari Small/WBZ NewsRadio
SALEM, N.H. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A woman in Salem, New Hampshire is giving back to her community with a cart in her front yard.
It’s called a giving cart, and Rebecca Webster fills it with everyday household items.
“[I] just looked at some things I had, and thought that maybe I could recycle … it might be a treasure to somebody else and I’m not using it that much,” Webster said.
Webster said she was inspired by the library sharing boxes that offer free books.
“I just wanted to do some sort of spin on it,” she said.
Webster’s husband built the cart, and she only put it out about a month and a half ago by her house on Granite Avenue. Webster said she advertises the cart on Facebook, and it’s proved to be pretty successful in just a short time.
The items in the cart are free to take, but there’s an optional donation box. Webster has committed to donating all of the proceeds to the Salem Animal Rescue League, and was recently able to give the organization $60.
Webster said she also tries to make the items festive and fun.
“I’m trying to do themes, like I had some Halloween items during the Halloween time and some fall items,” Webster said. “Next week I’m hoping to do all holiday items — some items from myself and some items that community members have dropped off to me”
Many are appreciative of what the cart does for the town.
“People have left notes thanking me and just saying it’s a wonderful community outreach,” she said.
WBZ’s Shari Small (@ShariSmallNews) reports.
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