Photo: Salisbury Police Department
SALISBURY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The town of Salisbury is trying out a road restriction plan in an effort to reduce traffic and gridlocks.
Starting 9 a.m. on July 20 and 21, road access to Cable Avenue from Beach Road will be restricted to only residents and their guests. A sign showing “No Right Turn,” “No Beach Parking,” and “Resident Access Only" will be on sight.
Some residents said going in and out of the area, especially on the weekends, is nearly impossible due to busy beach days.
Dave, a long-time resident of the town, said traffic has gotten so bad that he and other drivers "would sit on Railroad [Avenue] for like couple hours.”
Mike, who lives south of Salisbury Beach, said he has had a tough time going home to and from work because of the traffic, adding that “you can’t leave to even go to the store to get anything. It takes 40 minutes to get to the little convenience store down the street. It’s that bad”
That’s why town officials came up with a plan as a test to ease the road congestions.
“Saturday and Sunday are suppose to be good beach days [to] see if it helps,” Police Chief Thomas Fowler said. He emphasized that this plan is just an experiment to see if it alleviates traffic, and not the final decision. If not, they will be going back to the drawing board to figure out a new plan.
Additionally, Chief Fowler said that the town’s social media post of this plan had gotten a lot of traction and hopes that it will help deflect people from heading towards the south end of the beach, which a popular the area that causes gridlocks.
WBZ NewsRadio's Kendall Buhl (@WBZKendall) reports.
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