Photo: Suzanne Sausville / WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — It turns out that ducks and dogs can get along, and to celebrate, two organizations took part in a special Boston Duck Tour on Sunday.
NEADS World Class Service Dogs and Boston Duck Tours launched a tour with ten service dogs onboard to commemorate the ten years the companies have been in a partnership. According to a spokesperson from NEADS, the dogs set off on a historic tour of Boston in the World War II style amphibious landing vehicles along with clients, volunteer Puppy Raisers, staff, and VIPs.
“Our partnership with NEADS is one we cherish. A highlight is hosting NEADS Puppy Raisers and the Service Dogs in Training on our Ducks for a fun, yet educational trip. It’s a favorite for our staff," Boston Duck Tours CEO Cindy Brown said.
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NEADS Director of Development Cathy Zemaitis says that their service dogs are trained in prisons to help assist people with disabilities.
"If someone has prosthetic legs and their legs are off on the couch and they need something out of the refrigerator for example, the dog is going to go get it for them," Zemaitis said.
But when they're not training, the dogs spend time with families or Puppy Raisers to learn how to socialize. WBZ's Suzanne Sausville spoke to the Carrey family, who has worked with many NEADS dogs over the years. Jim Carrey says letting their service dog go to do its job is an emotional moment.
"Knowing that she'll go to a young child who has some disability or a veteran coming back with physical or other challenges- it's just an amazing thing to do for other people," Jim Carrey said.
According to a spokesperson for NEADS, the organization offers service dogs for adults and children with a physical disability, for veterans, for hearing, and for children with autism or other developmental disabilities.
WBZ's Suzanne Sausville (@wbzSausville) reports.
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