The floor of the New England Flower Exchange on Thursday, just a few days before Mother's Day. Photo: Brooke McCarthy/WBZ NewsRadio
CHELSEA, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — There's only three days until Mother's Day, and for the New England Flower Exchange in Chelsea, that means business. The Exchange sells flowers to florists all around the Boston area.
Workers were busy cutting and watering flowers early Thursday. Pat Riccardi is co-owner of Riccardi's Wholesale, one of the flower sellers that operates out of the Exchange — he said shipping issues from growers in Ecuador and Colombia have made life a little difficult for florists.
"Everything has been delayed a little bit, and of course it's put a little strain on the florists, mentally," he said. Riccardi placed his orders early this year, but said that there's still a bit of a shortage of roses.
Jennifer Allen is the owner of Market Floral Studio in Dorchester — she said the lead up to this Mother's Day has been her busiest ever, for a number of reasons.
"Just coming out of COVID, people can see everybody, people are planning way more events right now for spring, like baby showers, wedding showers," she said.
Allen said peonies are a particular favorite this year. The sellers said to order by tomorrow to make sure you can get flowers in time form Mother's Day on Sunday.
WBZ's Brooke McCarthy (@BrookeWBZ) has more:
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