The "Pocahontas Spring," owned by the Boston Clear Water Company, draws visitors from all around, some of whom believe the waters there have healing properties.Photo: Kim Tunnicliffe/ WBZ NewsRadio
LYNNFIELD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A popular natural spring in Lynnfield that dates back centuries has gained a reputation for it's waters' healing properties. The spring, called "Pocahontas Spring" since its discovery by English settlers in 1640, is operated by the Boston Clear Water Company.
Owner Anthony Gattineri bought the property in 2014, and said use of the mineral spring dates back to the Native Americans. People come from all around to fill up glass jugs full of the water, which costs a dollar per gallon.
Though the company itself never makes any health claims about its own water, Gattineri said many visitors claim the spring's water has helped them with their ailments. "Colitis, Crohns, Kidney stones — that one's off the charts," he said.
One visitor, Patrick Cunningham of Arlington, agreed: "I've tried everything, but then you try this water — it's from the earth, it has this energy," he said.
The spring produces about 350 gallons of water a minute, and has become something of a mystical gathering site of late.
"They come to pray for their mother, or their sister, or someone wanted to put some candles out there — I don't say no," Gattineiri said.
Gattineri is locked in a legal battle to keep the spring open, as the town of Lynnfield wants to shut it down.
WBZ NewsRadio has reached out to the town, but has not heard back yet.
WBZ's Kim Tunniciffe (@KimWBZ) reports:
Written by Chaiel Schaffel