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SOMERVILLE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A fire was set at the First Somerville United Church of Christ after a service dedicated to Pride on Sunday, according to the church's congregation.
The congregation said in a statement Wednesday that the fire was set in the church's sanctuary as congregation members worked on a service project directly below in the building's social hall.
The Somerville Fire Department was alerted after a member of the congregation extinguished the blaze, the statement read.
The congregation said part of the sanctuary was damaged, but no one was injured. Church officials do not yet know if there was a connection between the fire and the Pride service.
"Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, First Church Somerville will continue to be unapologetically queer, queer affirming and Christian," the church stated.
The church plans to worship this Sunday, June 18, on the lower floor of their building.
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