Somerville's Central Library Considers Adding Security Guards

Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio

SOMERVILLE, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Somerville’s Central Library could soon have a team of security guards.

Somerville’s Central Library has been operating at reduced hours since school has been back in session after library staff reported safety concerns stemming from teenagers. The decision has sparked criticism from parents and even a student-led protest at the beginning of September.

“To ensure the safety and well-being of our community members, we made the difficult decision to temporarily adjust library hours. We've experienced an ongoing pattern of unsafe behavior that has impacted both our patrons and staff,” said Somerville Mayor Katjana Ballantyne in a statement

Mayor Ballantyne said they are expecting to restore the library’s normal hours at some point next week but did not set a specific date. Security cameras have been installed inside and outside the library and the city plans to bring in security guards.

“While we understand this change has impacted patrons, it is necessary to both break the cycle and to address the root of the problem with a range of interventions. We're taking immediate steps to improve safety including bringing on a security firm trained in de-escalation and security cameras have been installed,” said Mayor Ballantyne in a statement.

For parents and students, opinions are mixed on the idea of security guards patrolling the library.

“Security sounds like a private form of policing and I don’t think that has a place in a public library,” said Damon Sidel, father of a Somerville High School. “I was pleased to hear that it’s ‘temporary’ and that they’re looking for a solution.”

“I feel like, yeah, it’s needed,” said Jason, a senior at Somerville High School. “We’ve seen a couple of things happening up there in the library and it’s needed at times. It’s kind of crazy to need security at a library, but you have to do what you have to do.”

“I’m personally against it because I feel like [the library] is such an open space and should be available for anyone to use,” said Jason, a junior at Somerville High School.

WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.

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