South Station Completes Construction Of Archways And Domed Ceiling

Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A massive part of a South Station construction project has been completed.

The large archways and domed ceiling that cover the outside walking area at the station have been completed, making the area open for public use.

This construction was part of South Station Air Rights, which has been a major, multi-year construction project for the station.

Many commuters were impressed by these renovations, while acknowledging how there’s still more to be done.

“It’s much more beautiful,” Beth from Cambridge said. “I work in Seaport, so I’ve been watching the building on top of it go up over the last couple of years, and that’s just been a joy to watch and see, so I’m excited to see it when it’s all done.”

Read More: South Station Construction Project On Track For Completion This Year

“It’s not done yet, but they look amazing, I love it,” Antonio from Boston said.

“It’s a lot nicer than it used to be definitely,” Northeastern student Isabel said. “I’m usually in a rush but it looks pretty, now that I look at it.”

“Really cool architecturally, and it looks awesome,” Trevor from Rhode Island said. “It makes transport nice and easy, it’s all covered now so that’s all really nice. I’d say it’s a good improvement overall.”

Trevor also mentioned that the new archways and dome would be great for people new to the city.

“I think it’s a great first impression,” he said.

The South Station Air Rights project has plans of wrapping up later this year.

WBZ NewsRadio's James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.

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