Photo: Courtesy of Jessyca Doyle
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A South Boston woman and her grandmother are looking for closure after a statue containing the ashes of deceased family members was stolen.
Jessyca Doyle's father painted the 3-foot-tall statue of a man who looks like Charlie Chaplin wearing a top hat, plaid blue pants, and leaning against a pole. Jessyca's father passed away in 2018, followed by her grandfather in 2020. The ashes of both gentlemen were placed inside the statue.
"It’s been a long journey in trying to get their peace with their passing, and then for someone to take the statue it’s kind of like opening the wound all over again," Jessyca told WBZ NewsRadio Wednesday.
Jessyca posted an urgent message to the Southie Community Bulletin Board Facebook group Tuesday asking for help in getting the statue back.
"It used to be on your side yard and someone or some people must have taken it. It is very sentimental to my whole family. Especially myself and my grandmother," the message reads in part.
"I’m just hoping that even if someone doesn’t return it, can leave it somewhere and tell someone that it’s there, so we can go and pick it up," Jessyca said.
"Please just return the statue," said Diane Doyle, Jessyca's grandmother. "No questions asked, we just want the statue back."
WBZ's James Rojas (@JamesRojasNews) reports.
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