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BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — There is now a push on Beacon Hill to legalize sparklers in Massachusetts. State Rep. Brad Hill is filing legislation that would exclude sparklers from the kinds of fireworks disallowed under state law.
Hill said they are being used anyway, so the state might as well regulate them.
“I would be more than happy to put in language that, you know, if you want to shoot any fireworks, whether it’s sparklers or bottle rockets, go down to your fire station and get a permit,” Hill said.
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Andover Fire Chief Michael Mansfield, however, hopes the idea does not progress. He said sparklers are dangerous.
“Sparklers burn at about 1,200 degrees which is hot enough to burn some metals out there. And sparklers are responsible for about 900 emergency department visits,” Mansfield said.
Massachusetts is the only state that bans sparklers.
WBZ NewsRadio's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports
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