Photo: Chris Fama / WBZ NewsRadio
EASTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Stonehill College, a private college in Easton, is making the jump to Division 1, entering the Northeast Athletic Conference (NEC) in all varsity men's and women's sports, except for equestrian and men's and women's ice hockey.
On Tuesday, the school announced that the Stonehill Skyhawks have received and accepted an invitation from the NEC and will begin offering National Collegiate Athletic Association Division 1 athletic programs for 25 championship sports in the 2022-2023 academic year.
"I am deeply appreciative to the Northeast Conference for inviting us," said Stonehill College President Fr. John Denning. "As the College approaches its 75th anniversary, this move to the Northeast Conference and NCAA Division I athletics signals that Stonehill is prepared to achieve its fullest potential—both athletically and academically in the years to come."
The school put together a video that released alongside their announcement.
"We talk about Stonehill being a 'hidden gem,' but I think this is one step to being a little less hidden, and I think that's exciting for our students and student athletes," said Stonehill Athletic Director Dean O'Keefe.
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Stonehill College is a Catholic institution that was founded back in 1948 and has over 2,500 students enrolled. School officials say they offer academic programs in liberal arts, sciences, and business, among others.
Stonehill scheduled a special live stream event to celebrate their move to Division 1 for Wednesday afternoon.
WBZ's Chris Fama (@CFamaWBZ) reports.
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