Supreme Court Seems Skeptical Of Boston's Refusal To Fly Christian Flag

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Supreme Court appears poised to rule against Boston in a case over the third flagpole in front of city hall. Two flagpoles in front of the building usually fly the American and state flags, but the city allows public groups to apply for and put up their own flags on the third flagpole, which typically holds the city's own flag.

Harold Shurtleff, a conservative activist, wanted to raise the Christian flag in honor of Constitution Day in 2017 but was denied by the city. The decision touched off a string of court rulings against Shurtleff and his group, Camp Constitution, which finally ended up before the Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Lawyers for Camp Constitution argue that they were discriminated against because the city had approved 284 consecutive other flags for the flagpole, but not theirs. Lawyers for Boston argued that if they flew the flag outside of city hall, it would appear that they are flavoring one religion over others — and that the flags that are put up on the flagpole constitute government speech.

Shurtleff's side was joined by some perhaps unexpected parties, including President Biden's administration, and the ACLU.

The justices seemed inclined to accept Camp Constitution's arguments over Boston's and a decision is expected this summer, according to the AP.

WBZ's Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports:

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