The giant pumpkin weigh-off winner from 2021, Alex Noel of Abington, CT.Photo: Courtesy Topsfield Fair
TOPSFIELD, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The Topsfield Fair is back in town, starting on Friday. The fair is entering its 204th season, with origins in the early 1800's. The perennial fall favorite features rides, fair food like German Fries and fried Oreos, games, and plenty of live music.
The festivities kick off at 4:00 PM on Friday with the 38th Annual All-New England Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off, which has seen fierce competition in recent years. Last year's winner, Alex Noel of Abington, CT, took home the blue ribbon with a massive 2,096 pound pumpkin.
EJ Dean is the owner of Fiesta Shows, which runs all the rides and games at the fair. "There's no restrictions, we're back to what everybody loves, remembers, and hopes for," he said. When asked what his favorite part of the Topsfield Fair is, he said "Turkey legs...they're just good and there are like a couple times of year that we have them, so it's a little treat for me," he said.
Tickets to the fair start at $15 for general admission.
WBZ's Drew Moholland (@DrewWBZ) has more:
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