Photo: James Rojas/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Hundreds of people converged for the New England Cannabis Conference today. Marijuana enthusiasts got a chance to explore more than 300 brands, over 60 programming sessions, and a dedicated track for psychedelics at Hynes Convention Center.
Vendors showcased everything from infused lemonade to robots rolling out 1100 joints an hour. Robotics and automation were major discussion points for the exhibitors at the event also known as NECANN.
"Technology is going to bring, for the most part, it's going to bring more efficient processes, which in the end, creates a better end product," said Ben Arregui, Director of Sales and Business Development at Sorting Robotics.
NECANN has hosted cannabis-centered conventions since 2014.
The event comes after local government officials urged state regulators to pause any plans to open cannabis lounges in Massachusetts.
State regulators proposed three license types for these cannabis-based venues, including a "hospitality" license, an "event organizer" license for festivals and other gatherings, and a "supplemental" license for existing retailers.
Massachusetts voters passed a ballot initiative legalizing recreational cannabis in 2016.
WBZ NewsRadio’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.