Photo: Kyle Bray/WBZ NewsRadio
GLOUCESTER, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — When the summer season comes around in New England, it also means that our many nautical neighbors or whales, have made their way up to New England waters for the warmer months.
Thousands of whales will call the Gulf of Maine home for the summer, and they all have names too! They get their names from a thumbprint like pattern on the back of their tail, which is known as a fluke.
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WBZ NewsRadio had the opportunity to meet Sedge, one of the whales over at Cape Ann’s Whale Watch, and she said that Sedge must eat a million calories a day while he’s here.
“A million calories is about 1,776 big macs, and to meet that equivalent they are going to have to eat about 2 to 3,000 pounds of fish every single day they’re up here.”
Tina has been working with Cape Ann Whale Watch in Gloucester for 30 years and loves educating the public on whales.
“That’s really important to me that I’m helping people make a connection to their natural world, as I feel that about the only way that we are going to promote sustainability for this planet. So, if I feel that I can facilitate that then I’ve done my job.”
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WBZ NewsRadio also spoke to whale watching captain John, who shared that many customers go wild the first time they see a whale in person.
“I once had a customer who had some type of long horn, and every time the whale came up, she’d start blowing the horn of this creature, and it was probably the funniest thing I had ever seen. I think she was trying to talk to the whales,” John suspected.
Whale watching is very popular up in the old seaport of Gloucester, bringing dozens of tourists to the area for whale watching excursions.
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