Photo: Getty Images
NEWTON, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — The owners of the Newton Community Farm report someone stole hundreds of plants and seedlings overnight on June 8th.
The farm’s executive director Sue Bottino posted a letter on social media saying that workers discovered the theft of plants including basil, scallions, eggplant, and cucumbers that were planted in the field as well as trays of tomato, kale, and corn among others that were located in the greenhouse.
The crops were being grown for Community Supported Agriculture sharers, farmers’ markets, and donations to the Newton Food Pantry and Freedge.
The farm sells its produce at a farmstand located in a red shed on Winchester Street near the intersection with Nahanton Street. “We are devastated and angered by what happened and the impact to our community,” said Bottino in the letter.
Police say they have no suspects and there were no witnesses.
Bottino said that whoever stole the plants knew what they were doing as they focused on taking certain types of plants.
She also said the farm will increase its patrols and install security cameras.
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