Photo: Getty Images
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Late Thursday night the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Transit Police officers responded to a radio call that reported a number of train windows in the JFK-UMass station were "maliciously damaged."
Arriving officers were directed by a witness who said a group of juveniles were on the Ashmont bound platform, kicking and striking Red Line train car windows, breaking them.
From there, the witness said the group went to the Station's pick up drop area and approached an off-duty cab driver, telling him they wanted a ride. The driver told the juveniles he was not working and that he was there to pick up a family member. After hearing his response, the group allegedly spit on him and attacked him with a hammer and a glass bottle.
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Police say a witness pointed out the group, and that when confronted, the juveniles immediately fled the area. Transit officials apprehended the suspects and placed the 14-year-old in custody for assault, a 16-year-old for assault by means of a dangerous weapon-hammer, and issued summon for a 13-year-old for spitting on the victim.
Officers say they will determine further charges for malicious destruction of the Red Line windows once they review surveillance video of the incident.
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