Tuesday Only Day Of Testimony This Week In Karen Read Trial

Photo: WBZ NewsRadio

DEDHAM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Due to 'scheduling conflicts,' the only day of testimony this week in the Karen Read murder trial was Tuesday.

Read is accused of backing her SUV into John O’Keefe, her boyfriend of two years, while dropping him off at a fellow Boston police officer’s home in January 2022 after a night of heavy drinking with friends.

Read's attorneys said she's being framed.

Back on the stand Tuesday was ATF agent Brian Higgins who testified last week about 'flirty' messages he shared with Read, as well as a kiss he said she planted on him about a week before O'Keefe's death.

Higgins is one of three people Read's defense lawyers said had the means and motivation to attack and kill O'Keefe.

Also testifying Tuesday was Dr. Justin Rice, an emergency room doctor who was on duty the night O'Keefe's body was brought to the Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton.

Dr. Rice told prosecutor Adam Lally that he observed cardiac arrest and head trauma to O’Keefe as well as complications due to “exposure to the cold.”

Dr. Rice also treated Read who was brought to the hospital under a 'Section 12' order which is usually due to a mental health concern.

Read's blood alcohol content the night of the incident, and how it was calculated, was a significant focus of Tuesday's testimony.

All cameras in the courtroom were ordered turned off after two children who were in O'Keefe's care, his nephew and niece, testified.

O'Keefe took custody of his sister's two children after she died from cancer.

O'Keefe's nephew described the relationship between Read and O'Keefe as "sometimes rough."

The court is not in session the rest of the week due to scheduling conflicts.

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