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Updated at 5:20 PM
LOWELL, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — UMass Lowell said it is bringing its IT systems back online after what it called a "cybersecurity event." Classes will still be canceled on Thursday.
The University's business operations will go back to normal on Thursday as it "incrementally bring[s] individual technology systems back online." Most University employees have been working from home. The university said it had shut down its entire network on Tuesday to minimize potential damage from a cyber attack.
UMass Lowell will be extending the current summer session because of the disruption.
The school canceled all in-person and remote classes for a second day in a row on Wednesday because of a "possible cyber security incident." Business operations were also canceled.
On Tuesday, the school said the incident was under investigation, and that "all network communications have been suspended by the university to and from the campus network while the scope of the incident is evaluated."
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The school's main website has been shutdown, and a temporary website as been set up at
In an update Tuesday night, UMass Lowell said "Sporadic access to some university systems may be available for some employees," and essential personnel should "report as directed."
The school said it will continue to investigate.
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