UMass Outing Club Helps Rescue Dog From Mountain

Photo: UMass Amherst/Facebook

LINCOLN, Vt. (WBZ NewsRadio) A group of students from the University of Massachusetts Amherst helped carry a dog down a mountain in Vermont last month after the dog had a medical emergency at the peak. 

Chris Wilson brought his 7-year-old boerboel named Cypress to hike Mt. Abraham in Vermont, along with a small group of friends. When they reached the peak that morning, Wilson said Cypress “completely shut down.” 

Wilson and his friends weren’t able to carry the 150-pound pooch down the mountain, only being able to move Cypress about 20 feet.

Photo: UMass Amherst/Facebook

Luckily, the UMass Outing Club was hiking the same mountain that day, and arrived at the peak at just the right time. 

Working together with the other hikers, the group from UMass was able to carry the dog over two miles down the mountain to safety. 

“He would have died if they didn’t come along and help,” Wilson said. “He was in rough shape.”

Cypress took a while to recover after the health spell, not being able to walk for two days and finally recovering fully after two weeks. 

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