Photo: Jay Willett/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — Boston residents had one more chance to add their voices, words, and heartbeats to a universal song in the South End Sunday.
The pop-up exhibit Heart Strings is a collaboration between UNICEF and the multimedia entertainment studio Moment Factory. The interactive exhibit at Cyclorama on Tremont Street begins with placing your palm on a pedestal and having the sound of your heartbeat pumped into a swirling chorus of lyrics, vocals, and rhythms built by other visitors.
"You’ll see a visualization of your heartbeat, you’ll hear your heartbeat added as to the rhythm of the song that you’re building throughout the course of the exhibit," said exhibit manager Joshua Midgett.
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As you walk through the winding path of the exhibit, contributing your own lyrics and vocals through special interactive megaphones, videos play on the walls telling the stories of children with UNICEF.
"Harmony Hall is the opportunity to read more about all the stories that you’ve sort of had little snippets of throughout the exhibit," Midgett said.
At the end, visitors have a chance to write to their local lawmaker.
"It changes in each city that we go to, whatever the particular relevant piece of legislation that they want to advance in that city," said Midgett.
Before coming to Boston, Heart Strings brought its exhibit to Atlanta and Houston. Its next stop is Chicago from June 14 to June 30.
WBZ's Jay Willett (@JayWillettWBZ) reports.
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