Army Staff Sgt. James Chartier, finishing his four-day, 90-mile walk for veterans on Monday. Photo: Karyn Regal/WBZ NewsRadio
BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — U.S. Army Staff Sgt. James Chartier had quite the hike ahead of him when he started out from Amvets Post 12 in Chicopee.
He walked 22.5 miles a day for four days, and ended his trek on Monday at the state house: 90 miles in total. It's Chartier's sixth 90 Mile March from Western Mass. to the State House. Chartier walked the 22 miles a day to honor the 22 veterans who die by suicide every day.
"These veterans are not unstable. They just need help," Chartier said. Mental health issues are top of mind for Chartier this year, who said issues like PTSD can't just be locked away and that veterans can't be afraid of asking for help.
Chartier did the march in his Army uniform, carrying a 30 pound pack and an American flag. This Thursday is Veteran's Day, when Americans will honor the country's military.
WBZ's Karyn Regal (@Karynregal) reports:
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