Photo: Photo Courtesy of the Wareham Fire Department
WAREHAM, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — On Tuesday morning, the Wareham Fire Department responded to the Wareham Water Pollution Control Facility for a report of a construction worker who had fallen a significant distance.
Emergency crews said they had been advised that the worker was injured, and found him more than 20 feet below ground in a pit dug out for construction.
Wareham Fire said the man was secured on a Stokes basket, fastened on a rescue rope, and lifted back up to ground level where Wareham Emergency Medical Technicians attended to him.
The man was brought to a Boston hospital with severe head trauma and leg injuries, officials said.
"This technical rescue is exactly what our department trains extensively for. I am very proud of the firefighters who operated so well in bitter cold temperatures to safety remove this person," said WFD's Assistant Chief John Kelley.
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At the time of the incident, a cold weather advisory was in effect from the Massachusetts State Fire Marshal. A total of 21 members of the WFD were involved in the incident, officials said.
WBZ's Tim Dunn (@ConsiderMeDunn) reports.
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