Wellesley-Based Chocolatier's Growing Business Is Sweet Reward

Photo: ChocAllure

WELLESLEY, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — Local chocolatiers are up to their elbows in business, thanks to a TikTok-powered viral chocolate bar. 

The chocolate bar originated in Dubai and became a viral sensation.

It features a mixture of olive-green pistachio paste, tahini, sugar, and kataifi, which is a shredded filo dough.

The original bar is made by FIX Chocolates, but the recipe has since spread around the world. 

Wellesley-based chocolatier Liron Pergament-Gal said she first heard of the chocolate from people who were asking her about it.

After a few months of hearing the requests, she decided to make her own version at her shop, ChocAllure

Liron perfected her recipe two weeks ago and thought that she may have missed the craze, but the demand is still extremely strong. 

She said her phone has been ringing off the hook with people asking if she makes a version of the FIX bar. 

She said she fields those calls "Probably 10 to 15 times a day." 

Liron said she's already she's churned out 1,000 candy bars.

The pistachios are expensive, she said, but the exposure is a sweet reward. 

"This product is causing so many to learn about my business, that even if I break even, that's fine," she said. 

WBZ NewsRadio's Chaiel Schaffel (@CSchaffelWBZ) reports.

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