Photo: Photo Courtesy of the Wellfleet Police Department
WELLFLEET, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — On Wednesday, the Wellfleet Police Department announced that they have begun to use body-worn cameras after a year of preparation.
Police said the program is meant to increase transparency, promote de-escalation, resolve citizen complaints, and provide as a valuable training tool. Additionally, Wellfleet Police said the program is essential for capturing evidence in criminal cases and memorializing officers' interactions with the public.
"Our goal is to continue to building trust and positive relationships between our officers and the community we serve," said Wellfleet Police Chief Michael Hurley.
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Officials said that the rollout of the cameras will continue through January, and that the police union was supportive of the program's introduction.
According to a survey from the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, only 10% of police departments in the Commonwealth have a body-worn camera program.
WBZ's Tim Dunn (@ConsiderMeDunn) reports.
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