Photo: Kim Tunnicliffe/WBZ NewsRadio
WEST BRIDGEWATER, Mass. (WBZ NewsRadio) — A south shore police department is running a sports and conditioning camp to help get kids out of the house during the summer.
The West Bridgewater Police Department is hosting its annual Cops and Teens Sports Camp at the town's high school football field. The camp, which is run by several of the department's officers, sees kids participate in exercise and stretching drills and competitive games like tag, tug-o-war, relay races, and obstacle courses.
West Bridgewater Police Lieutenant Timothy Nixon, who runs the camp, told WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe that it's important kids get the chance to be outside and move around during summer vacation.
"Essentially it's to get the kids out of the house and to get them off the electronics and get them out and moving," Nixon said. "The one thing I've noticed, even with my own kids, is that if they're given the opportunity to stay in and do nothing, they're going to stay in and do nothing."
Nixon added the camp is not only about keeping kids active, but also about keeping them connected with their peers and helping them learn important life lessons.
"We get them in a group, we force them to talk to each other, and we force them to play together," Nixon said. "At the end of every session, we usually bribe them with frozen treats, and then we try to tie in a lesson, like something as simple as being a better person."
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The camp is open to kids in grades three through eight. Amanda Scully sent her two sons to the camp and she said her 12-year-old child has had a great time.
"He builds on skills that he needs and it helps with his confidence," she said. "It also gets him away from the TV and video games."
The camp runs every Tuesday and Thursday until July 28.
WBZ's Kim Tunnicliffe (@KimWBZ) reports.
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