NightSide with Dan Rea

NightSide with Dan Rea

Dan is Rea is the host of NightSide on WBZ News Radio1030 every weeknight from 8:00pm to midnight.Full Bio


NightSide with Dan Rea - Rundown for 1/25/18

Does Warren Have a Credibility Problem?  Senator Elizabeth Warren has been dealing with criticism over her Native American heritage claims since her successful Senate campaign back in 2012.  Despite the fact that she has been asked about the claims many times over the years, she has never really had a good answer, and some wonder if those credibility problems will continue to hurt her as she gains more national recognition.  President Trump has repeatedly referred to her as “Pocahontas”, and the attacks from Republicans would no doubt continue if she decided to run for the White House in 2020.  Does Senator Warren have a credibility issue?  Boston Globe reporter Annie Linskey checks in to give her thoughts, call in and give us yours!

Censorship of Conservatives!  Online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have become an essential part of communication and expression.  But are the people running those platforms censoring ideas that they don’t agree with?  Censorship of conservative viewpoints has become more and more common across the internet over the last year.  Dennis Prager, a conservative talk show host, has experienced this censorship firsthand, and has even sued Google for restricting his message.  Tonight, Dennis talks with Dan and the rest of NightSide Nation about this growing problem.  Call in and join the conversation!

Could Democrats Lose The Jewish Vote?  Jewish voters have tended to support the Democratic Party over the years.  But could recent developments change that and undercut a normally dependable base for Democrats?  Earlier today, President Trump doubled down on his decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and also threatened to withdraw aid from the Palestinians unless they get serious about a peace deal.  Meanwhile, John Kerry reportedly told Palestinian officials not to give in to President Trump, and is also mulling a potential 2020 run himself.  Has the Democratic Party turned their backs on a major segment of their constituency?  Call in and add your voice to the mix!

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