School Enrollment Plummets. According to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, school enrollment in Massachusetts is down 4%. That means that this year public school enrollment throughout the state has plummeted by more than 37,000 students. This decrease is due in large part because of the concern parents have over sending their children to school amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Many parents have switched to home schooling their kids; about 7,000 have done so this year compared to last year’s 802. How much of an impact has COVID made on schooling your children this past year and how will it change your decisions for even next year’s school year if there is not a vaccine readily available for them?
Dating Amid COVID. Dating can be frustrating, challenging, and quite the process to find that right person for you. You put time and effort into going out on dates to get to know someone else and that can be a struggle to find someone compatible…then add a pandemic into the mix and that really complicates you finding Mr. or Mrs. Right! So, how do you tackle the dating world amid this pandemic? Boston Globe Advice Columnist of “Love Letters”, Meredith Goldstein joins Jordan on how to navigate the dating world amid this pandemic.
Laughing Through It All. While we are seeing a surge in Coronavirus cases, we’re also seeing another surge and that is in mental illness. The pandemic has caused an increase in adults reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, last month here in Massachusetts (October 2020) 37% of adults reported feelings of anxiety and depression, compared to 21% in 2018. Massachusetts is in line with the national average which is also at 37%, compared to the national average of 11% of people reporting mental health symptoms just one year ago. With that said, what can be done about it? How do you push forward and treat your mental illness? Ed Crasnick, the founder of Makelight: Uniting Mental Health and Comedy joins Jordan Rich to discuss and give advice on how you can tackle your mental health concerns amid this pandemic.
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