Emotional Distress. In the past, if your dog was injured or killed by someone else's animal, you could only be compensated for the dollar value of your pet. That may be changing. A new proposal would allow pet owners to sue for emotional distress. Are you in favor of this proposal? Joining Dan to discuss the proposal is Massachusetts School of Law Assistant Dean Diane Sullivan and Attorney Kris McDonald.
Baker's Rocky Road... A new Harvard study gives Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker's Administration failing grades for distributing the COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile his embattled Undersecretary for Climate Change, David Ismay, has resigned after he was recorded saying, in order to obtain enough wind power, “something has to give” in regard to the fishing industry. This came a week after it was revealed he advocated for “breaking the will” of Massachusetts homeowners and drivers for the sake of lower carbon emissions. Should Baker run for a third term? Harvard Professor and former Director of the Belfer Center, Graham Allison, joins Dan on Harvard’s “Massachusetts Vaccine Report Card”.
Unity and President Biden. President Biden says his whole soul is about bringing the country together. It appears, no one seems to have told his press secretary, other members of his administration, the Congress, or the press. Are the White House calls for unity sincere?
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