The Potential Health Impact of Gas Stoves… MA Attorney General Andrea Campbell and at least 10 other attorney generals across the country are calling for the federal government to "address the public health and safety dangers of gas stoves." A recent study done in collaboration with RMI, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and others found a correlation between childhood asthma in the U.S. and gas stove usage. Should there be more restrictions for gas stoves?
You’re Outta Here! Are Little League and other recreational sports parents getting a bit too invested in the game; a bit too carried away? One NJ town thinks so, so much so that they implemented a new rule for parents who heckle or “verbally abuse” an umpire. If found heckling, the parent must officiate three games or risk being banned from the field. Should more cities and towns adopt this rule? Share your stories of sports parents getting carried away!
Airline Accountability. The Biden Administration has announced plans for new federal regulations for commercial airlines requiring them to compensate passengers for controllable cancellations or significant delays. President Biden said the compensation will include meals, hotels, transportation, rebooking fees and more. Tonight, Dan wants you to share your cancellation or delay nightmares and your thoughts on Biden’s new proposed airline regulation.
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